Tuesday, November 30, 2010

On Vehicle Testing

On the vehicle you were assigned does it use analogue or digital WSS?
The vehicle used an analogue WSS.

How did you conclude that the WSS was analogue?
Because it had only 2 wires. Digital WSS have 3 wires.

Measure the air gap for each WSS and state visual condition:
FL: 0.35mm - Appears to be ok. No damage.
FR: 0.35mm - Appears to be ok. No damage.
(Rear WSS were unaccessible because they were contained in the hubs).

Using an oscilloscope connect it to a WSS and record the pattern shown.
This is an analogue pattern.

Using the frequency scale on the multi-meter we got a reading of 265Hz.

In the above oscilloscope pattern:
Time = 10ms per division
Each signal cycle is approximately 4ms long.
F= 1/T
F= 1/0.004= 250Hz - Slightly lower, but approximately the same reading we got off the multi-meter.

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