Tuesday, November 30, 2010

CAN Multiplexing Worksheet

2003 Range Rover

Locate a twisted wire pair. Describe where they are located.
They can be located in the engine bay on the ABS Control Unit.

Record the waveform of one of the wires below. Make sure your time is small enough so you dont have "aliasing".

Wire Colour: Yellow/Brown
Time per Division: 20 micro-seconds
Volts per division: 1v per division

Wire colour: Yellow/black
Time per division: 20 micro-seconds
Volts per division: 2v

What is "aliasing"?
Aliasing is similar to distortion. When measuring something with a multimeter, like the twisted pair above, sometimes you do not get a clear reading because the readings were occurring too quickly for the multimeter to display on screen. So you would get a blurry visual. This is called aliasing because the multimeter literally displays an "alias" of what the actual reading should be.
Sometimes when the multimeter aliases a reading, it could appear as the average or RMS reading.

How do you know these waveforms are not "aliasing"?
Because they arent blurry or distorted. They are clear and easy to distinguish lines and the divisions.

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